The Cannock & District Chess League

25th Anniversary Tournament
Saturday 20th April 2024
6 Round Swiss Rapidplay
Major (U1750)
Minor (U1500)
Peter Oliver:
Rycroft Community Hub
New Forest Road

ECF rapidplay ratings as at 1 April 2024 will be used where available. Otherwise, long play ratings at that date will be used. Unrated players will be assigned a rating by the Organisers. All results will be submitted to the ECF for their Rapidplay rating list.
Time Limit
The time limit in all sections will be 20 minutes plus 10 seconds per move.
Playing Schedule
The venue will be open from 9.30 a.m.
Round 1 – 10.00
Round 2 – 11.15
Round 3 – 12.30
Round 4 – 2.00
Round 5 – 3.15
Round 6 – 4.30
The winner of each section will receive £100, second £50 and third £30. Further prizes may be added at the discretion of the organisers dependent on the number of entries. In the event of a tie for any prize, the prize money will be split equally (no tie breaks will be applied).
Sections are dependent on the number of entries and the organisers reserve the right to amend or merge sections or move players between sections.
A player may elect to have a half-point bye once in any round except the last.
Entry Requirements
All players must be ECF Silver members or above. To become an ECF member or upgrade your membership click this link:
Entry Fees
Adults who are members of clubs which are or have been in the CDCL - £15
Other adults - £20
Juniors (u/18) - £10
Payment please by bank transfer to the following account:
Account name: Cannock and District Chess League
Sort Code: 77-31-07
Account number: 33453360
Please ensure you put your name in the reference section.
Tea, coffee, soft drinks and light refreshments will be available.
The Chief Arbiter is Matthew Carr. By entering, you agree that his decision is final in all matters.
Please use the on-line entry form. Entries close at 5.00 p.m. on 19th April 2024, and will not be accepted on the day. Entries are limited to 120 players.
Further information
For any enquiries or further information, please contact Peter Oliver – or 07794170324 (Monday – Friday 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. please)